About the book

A few years ago, the legendary guitarist of the Sex Pistols, Steve Jones, finally decided to tell his story, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the birth of punk, which celebrates the influence and cultural relevance that this movement has on music, fashion or the visual arts still today.

In Lonely Boy, Jones honestly tells of his life, from his troubled childhood to the present, without ignoring the most gruesome details of his past: the abuse he suffered as a child, his addictions to heroin and sex, his kleptomania, his I went through jail. Jones also dedicates chapters to recounting his years with the Sex Pistols, demystifying the history of the band, and introducing the people behind the group, the efforts to become a symbol for punk youth, and the effects of having to live at the height of that image.

The book, written with music journalist Ben Thompson, is republished in Libros Cúpula, with a selection of photos.

The story of Steve Jones begins in the neighborhoods of Hammersmith and Shepherd’s Bush, in west London, where a lonely and careless boy who lived by petty theft discovered the glam rock of David Bowie and Roxy Music and ended up becoming one of the first street punks that Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood welcomed. For the Anglo-Saxon editors of Lonely Boy this is “a modern Dickens story.”

For the first time, Jones writes about the sadness of never having known his father, the abandonment and abuse he suffered at the hands of his stepfather, and how his interest in music and fashion saved him from a life marked by the centers preventive detention and jail. From the Kings Road of the seventies, the Sex Pistols years, punk rock and the recording of the album “Never Mind the Bolloks” to his voluntary exile in New York and Los Angeles, where he battled alcohol, heroin and addiction. addiction to sex, this book is the story of an unlikely guitar wizard who, with the Sex Pistols, changed the course of music forever.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/lonely-boy

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