The silver deck
by Juan Bolea
A new adventure for Florián Falomir, who this time will have to solve a crime in Cádiz.
When Florián Falomir discovers the body of a girl on a beach in Cádiz, he cannot imagine where this case will lead him.
The girl’s death will be related to a silver-gilt deck that belonged to the Bourbons. Specifically, to Carlota de Borbón, first-born daughter of Charles IV and sister of Fernando VII. It so happens that this very valuable set of cards has just been auctioned in a room in New York, without knowing where it is or who has acquired it.
A plot that will become more complicated as the police link this death with the previous disappearances of three other women, and as Falomir is introduced into a Cádiz that is as beautiful by day as it is mysterious at night. Very disturbing, because perhaps in the underground darkness of its crypts, wells or tunnels lurk ancient secrets and shadows from the past, forces that may be preferable not to awaken…
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-baraja-de-plata