By Ines Roman.

INTERVIEW WITH VERONICA ROMERO OT1“Survivors” was a tough program, but they called me the spiritual winner and that was very nice.

The evolution of Verónica Romero OT1, a multifaceted artist awarded with the prestigious Golden Eagle World Award for Artistic Excellence, is truly impressive. From music to cinema, through Supervivientes and landing in writing, she has demonstrated her talent

Currently, she is touring Spain with her single “Candela” and accompanying the group Fórmula Abierta in concerts, where she takes the opportunity to sign copies of her book Soul and the path of awakening

Veronica, how has your evolution been since OT1?

I have remained the same person, eager to evolve and live experiences to the fullest, but now I do it consciously, with the responsibility of doing things well and from love.

Does it bother you when people ask you about your OT1 colleagues?

No, not at all. I had a unique experience with 15 colleagues, and each one of them brought me something different.

If you could go back, would you change anything about your time in OT1?

It is always said that everything happens for a reason. I wish I had trusted myself more and not given my power to the opinions of others, but that has made me stronger today.

At what age did you decide you wanted to be a singer?

Around the age of 17, I had never sung before, but at a Christmas carol contest in high school, I discovered my passion for music and decided to follow that path.

Are there other members of your family who also sing and compose?

Yes, my father formed a band when he was young, my mother sang very well and my older brother Octavio also had a group that I was a fan of.

How was your experience at the OT1 casting?

Triumph operation It was the first casting I attended. I remember the first casting in Valencia, then in Madrid and finally in Barcelona. It was an incredible experience and a great opportunity. I couldn’t believe it, there were people who sang spectacularly. But what belongs to you, nothing and no one can take away from you, so I accepted it with open arms.

How did you become an actress?

By chance. The director of my music video “No hay otro amor” was also a film director and offered me a role in his film “Fin de curso”. I then acted in “Las palabras de Vero” and in a short film, training as an actress in Madrid and London.

What did your time on Supervivientes mean for your artistic career?

Survivors It was a pretty tough program, not only because of the physical conditions, but also because of the mental conditions due to your personal improvement and living with some colleagues, which was not very pleasant, ha ha ha. But it was gratifying to see the recognition from the people. They called me the spiritual winner, which was very nice. You have a spiritual vision about Artificial Intelligence. Do you think it will be beneficial for society in general and for young people?

It depends on how we use it. Intelligence and wisdom go hand in hand, but they are different. We can create something with intelligence, but we need wisdom to use it for good and not for evil.

Are we prepared for so much progress?

They say that for the new generations it will be something very normal since they are growing up with it. For people like me, who have a hard time adapting to technology, it’s a pain hehe. I think the important thing is to understand that we should not let ourselves be controlled by it. Someone said that artificial intelligence is not so intelligent or so artificial. Not giving it our power will be a good shield of protection.

What can you tell us about your book? Soul and the path of awakening?

It is a book that embraces you and accompanies you in your awakening process from the side of unconditional love, inspiring and raising your vibration. A work of personal growth written for teenagers and adults. The story of is not simply to entertain your imagination, but it goes deep inside you, to your emotions, to your being and your soul.

How was the process of writing this book Alma and the Path to Awakening?

It was easy and fluid. I had no trouble sitting down to write, I knew it was what I had to do and I liked it. I really enjoyed writing and trusting the process. I found the right people at Ishtar Publishing

to publish it in the publishing house’s human team.

What can’t be missing by your side while you write?

The music that accompanies me in what I am feeling. Writing a candle, an infusion and most importantly, my connection channel wherever I am.

With just one word tell us the first thing that comes to mind, if I say to you:

Amor Unconditional

Family Maestros

Cine Soul and the path of awakening

Writing A gift of connection

Madre Hug and protection

Music Inspiration

Concerts Strength, fun and empowerment

Youth On the physical plane, divine treasure. On the spiritual plane, creativity and prosperity.

A fable between spirituality and magic that you can’t miss

Now we know the hand, the words and the feelings that shape the pages of Soul and the path of awakening. Verónica continues to be an artist with an inspiring career, from her first steps in OT1 to her foray into literature. Her honesty, simplicity and love for personal evolution define her and allow us to get to know the person behind the artist.


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