Review of the book “Moscas de tinta”, by Noela Lonxe

Let’s go with a new release from the publisher Books and Literature, readers. This time it is an original novel written by Noela Lonxe that stands out for its authenticity, its humor and the mixture of reality and fantasy. Definitely, ink flies It is a very interesting proposal that I have enjoyed very much. Do you want to know more? Well, join me in this review.
Luz Violeta is a young Galician woman who has finally seen her dream come true: she has moved to California, nothing more and nothing less than San Francisco, the cradle par excellence of the movement. hippy. An uncertain future awaits her before her eyes, since it is never easy to start over in another city, much less if it is so far from your home, but the young woman’s desire can do anything and she will try, little by little, to find his place in that city.
The first days, Luz Violeta decides to stay at Alexander’s house, her godfather, one of her parents’ best friends at that time. hippy whom he met during the Madrid scene. Raised in California, but of Chilean origin, Alexander will be his reference in the new city and, I can tell you, one of the funniest characters in this story who has made me laugh more than one.
Thus, and settled in her godfather’s house, Luz Violeta decides to go out there and face reality. After having completed a master’s degree in creative writing in London, the young woman realizes that academic life is not for her, so she has to choose to follow plan b: become rich and famous with her poems. To do this, she tries to look for a job in a bookstore, because this way she thinks it will be easier for her to reach her goal. But the truth is that she finally ends up finding work in a store with prohibitive prices for clients as exclusive as the products she sells are peculiar. She is fine working there, so, in a way, her first goal of finding a job is achieved.
The second is to find a place to live outside of your godfather’s protective wing. This is how she finds a Victorian mansion with a ridiculous price in which Rose, Fen, Onna and Dariel live. Two birds with one stone: new home and new friends.
Little by little things seem to be falling into place for our young friend. However, she soon realizes that very strange things are happening in the tower room she occupies in the charming Victorian mansion. There is something or someone else living with her. An overwhelming presence that has other plans for her and that will push her to the limit. With the help of her new friends, Luz Violeta will try to find out who is hiding there and what she wants to tell him.
That’s all I can tell you, readers, but I’m sure you’ve already been bitten by the curiosity bug with this story, right? It is not for less, ink flies It has all the ingredients to hook you from start to finish. A fresh, original story, with supernatural elements and a lot of humor that will steal a little piece of your heart. An editorial commitment of Books and Literature that you cannot miss.
Source: https://www.librosyliteratura.es/moscas-de-tinta.html