About the book

As in WAR as in PEACE by Luis GarcĂ­a Jambrina, a moving story full of emotion, tenacity and heroism, starring a singular woman involved in extraordinary circumstances. A plea for life and love in a time of anger and destruction.

The series of six Manuscripts starring Fernando de Rojas, the famous author of La Celestina turned investigator, has made Luis GarcĂ­a Jambrina a reference author. Now, without abandoning the historical novel, he narrates a little-known event that is part of the War of Independence: the hasty withdrawal of the British army that was fighting against Napoleon in the Iberian Peninsula.

Luis GarcĂ­a Jambrina is one of the most important historical novel authors in our country. A reference author thanks to the Manuscripts series, whose first novel, The Stone Manuscript, is a long-seller that has accumulated nearly forty editions.

In Thus in War as in Peace Jambrina recovers a little-known historical event and vindicates the narrative interest of a violent and exciting time in our history, that of the War of Independence.

The bloody withdrawal of the British army fighting against Napoleon in the Iberian Peninsula, in extremely harsh weather conditions, and its evacuation by sea from A Coruña has been compared to the Dunkirk operation in 1940, a turning point in the war.

The point of view is original and necessary: ​​its protagonist is the wife of one of the infantry soldiers of Irish origin, who, as was customary at the time, accompanied her husband and was a direct witness of that terrible retreat.

Based on exhaustive documentation, which the author includes in an extensive bibliography at the end of the book, Luis GarcĂ­a Jambrina creates a spectacular recreation of the period, taking care of the details of daily life and information related to the battlefields.

In the same way that real and fictional characters move in the narrative, the story reflects both the great historical events—political, war—and the small personal stories.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/asi-en-la-guerra-como-en-la-paz

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