About the book

«Cristina S. Fantini’s novel reveals the secrets of one of the most famous cathedrals in the world.» Courier Milan

«A story about art, passions and power, in which Milan Cathedral is the setting and the driving force.» Christian Family

«If you want to know everything about one of the most important monuments in Europe, this is the ideal book. On the one hand, there are the warlords, ready to conquer the territory. On the other, there are the real and fictional men and women who participated in one way or another in the construction of the cathedral. Because, as the author says, #history is us.#». Modern Woman

«The construction of Milan Cathedral, between master builders and artists, court intrigues and the passions of real and fictional characters, turned into a fascinating novel.» I Give


«Fantini gives us a rare pearl of equally rare beauty. A journey through time, a dip into the past, as only she can describe and tell.»

Blog Emotionsbetweenpages

“I just finished this book with a sigh of satisfaction. I love well-written historical novels and this one is one of them. [#] The author presents characters who really existed, mixing them with fictional characters, giving life to a compelling, attractive and very detailed story. There is no shortage of battles, conspiracies, betrayals, passions, loves and regrets, illnesses and murders that will envelop the reader until the last page.

Blog Thecolorofbooks

«A great choral novel that can be compared with The cathedral of the sea by Ildefonso Falcones”.

Blog Sulromanzo

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/en-el-nombre-de-la-piedra

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