Ghost Story
by Laura Freudenthaler
A subtle portrait of a disturbing love triangle. Anne planned to spend her sabbatical year playing the piano and writing books, but gradually abandons her habits. By day she wanders the streets of the city; by night she writes in her diary. She has been living with Thomas for twenty years, but they have grown apart. He travels constantly for work and the marital home has become strange to her. Anne suspects that he is cheating on her, and her husband’s lover, whom she calls “the girl”, appears to her as an unknown and at the same time very familiar ghost who whispers to her and torments her with noises, hallucinations and incomprehensible signs. As time goes by, the environment of jealousy, lust and passion in which Anne moves is transformed into a dangerous world of mirages, insinuations and mysteries where the boundaries between the real and the imaginary become blurred and turn the reading into a captivating horror story about the ghosts that live within us.
Winner of the European Union Prize for Literature.
Laura Freudenthaler Born in 1984 in Salzburg, she studied German Philology and Literature, Philosophy and Gender Studies. She currently lives in Vienna. Her short stories Der Schädel der Madeleine were published in 2014. Her novel Die Königin schweigt received the Förderpreis zum Bremer Literaturpreis 2018 and was recommended as the best German-language debut at the Festival du Premier Roman in 2018 in Chambéry. Historia de fantasmas is her second novel.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/historia-de-fantasmas