Nourish sleep for a healthy brain: Practical guide to sleep better and extend the life of your neurons
By the author of Give life to your brain y Get your brain in shape.
A book that will provide us with reliable and complete information to help us make sleep your daily ally, and to improve the quality of your life and your health.
We spend a third of our lives sleeping. It may seem like a waste of time, but sleep is essential to our existence. Scientific studies in experimental animals show that sleep deprivation for more than seven days in a row induces death.
This vital need for sleep is itself becoming a real nightmare for many people. At the beginning of the 20th century, people slept about two hours more than they do today. Nighttime hours, overwork, electronic devices, light and noise pollution, and a long list of physical, mental and contextual factors have not contributed to better sleep. Consequently, it is estimated that at least a third of the population suffers from occasional, transient (most) or chronic (less) insomnia. Obviously, sleep disorders at all ages have increased in recent times with confinements, forced restructuring of personal and work life, uncertainties and anguish.
Lack of sleep affects the immune, cardiovascular, metabolic, muscular and of course the nervous system. The consequences of insomnia generate mental fatigue, loss of concentration, poorer memory, affect mood and prematurely age the brain. They also delay the development and consolidation of neuronal circuits during brain development. In addition, the anguish and unease generated by not being able to sleep feed back into this vicious circle.
Research into sleep is booming, although it is still full of questions. Knowing better why we sleep and what the best nutritional, pharmacological and lifestyle guidelines are is an essential aspect of current research. As in everything related to brain activity, the intestine and the intestinal microbiota, they are also being looked at very closely to create corrective guidelines for insomnia.
Do you want to sleep better and wake up rested? Do you want to know the appropriate guidelines to achieve the best sleep hygiene? The best foods and how the intestine contributes to good sleep? Do you want to know what is currently being done to improve memory and learning while we sleep?
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/alimenta-el-sueno-para-un-cerebro-sano