Review of “Even if you don’t know it”, by Fernando Elvira

The year 2010 brought with it a global crisis that had many repercussions. Spain was one of the countries hardest hit by this discouraging economic crisis and the disastrous consequences are still, unfortunately, visible today.
In this context of the beginning of the crisis is where Fernando Elvira develops his novel Even if you do not know ita novelty from the publisher Books and Literature that you can’t miss.
In the midst of an economic crisis, a group of very disparate characters seeks to save themselves at all costs.
On the one hand, we meet Fran Gallego. Together with other young people, he pursues a rather utopian ideal: a perfect democracy based on free access to information. However, the crisis brings with it a large increase in financial crimes and cybercrimes, which will turn this dream into a chimera that is very difficult to achieve. Fran, little by little, will open his eyes to this reality until he finds himself completely involved in a plot that, in a way, will show him another truth that is much more cruel and realistic.
For his part, Daniel Silva is a recently separated bank worker looking to start over. In addition to the crisis that will soon hit the country, he is immersed in his own personal crisis. Looking for an easy way out, Daniel will begin to ascend in BCL banking even knowing that the steps that are leading him to be at the top are, at the same time, plunging him into a frivolous world of appearances and interests that may soon take their toll. .
Finally, Carlos Barroso has a private detective agency: CB detectives. His best collaborator, Javier, has decided to rejoin the National Police, so he, along with the rest of the agency’s workers, must face a turbulent Madrid, full of challenges, tricks and mysteries that, at night, everyone forgets. their day-to-day problems.
A certainly hectic and difficult panorama in which everyone will seek to save their own skin regardless, sometimes, of who they drag along in their fall or rise.
Thus, hackersbankers, businessmen, detectives and ordinary people must face a seemingly calm society that is about to explode due to the crisis and the lack of scruples with which many of these characters operate.
Even if you do not know it It’s every man for himself. The author masterfully reflects a perfect x-ray of a society in crisis in which everyone seeks to save themselves regardless of the consequences.
Of course, although each character pursues their own interests, not all of them face reality in such a selfish way. There are those who put the interests of society before their own, even if they are the least.
Fernando Elvira has written a choral novel in which several characters expose the human condition in times of crisis. The frailties and strengths, the falls and the rise, the bravery, the cowardice… Everything is reflected in this original and brilliant novel that is a real shock of reality.
Even if you do not know itedited by Books and Literature, is an essential book to understand the 2010 crisis and the human condition. A novel that entertains, that invites reflection and with which many readers will feel very identified.
Source: https://www.librosyliteratura.es/aunque-tu-no-lo-sepas.html