About the book

Marisol Donis, with the desire of an archaeologist, has been removing the dust accumulated in thousands of files and old newspapers, until she has read and compiled the vast journalistic production of Doña Emilia and, from all of it, she has selected, organized and shed light with her explanations to his chronicles and opinion articles about some of the most popular, striking and terrible crimes of his time. But it is not just about collecting the event, but about shedding light on her point of view, her opinions, so brilliant, so accurate, so furiously current about her.

So reading what Doña Emilia thinks about what she called “womanicides” cannot leave us indifferent. It is terrifying, and scandalous, and shocking to see that, much more than a century later, we are still practically the same, a problem, an evil, an endemic, that continues to grip us today more than ever, now that some try to deny it.

The writer believed that crimes are the great basis of a social study. When Pardo Bazán became interested in a crime he analyzed it exhaustively, he studied the psychology of the characters and sometimes wrote a short novel inspired by the event. In January 1901, Emilia announced that crime in Spain was not decreasing. The writer asserted that in Spain there were criminal miscreants, but a good part of the crimes were committed by good people, sometimes excellent people, but impulsive, lacking culture and the most basic instruction, without respect for the law, with false notions. from the point of honor, savages without malignancy.

The crime of Fuencarral, that of Villaverde, that of San Andrés street, that of Pinar de Pinacote, that of Pozas street, that of the martyred woman, the kidnapping of Poitiers, the Humbert trial or the attack against Alfonso XIII in Madrid , are just some of the many cases that are explained in the book, always showing the opinions and articles written by Pardo Bazán about the case. Any strange event that occurred, especially in A Coruña, was analyzed conscientiously by Emilia Pardo Bazán.

The work also includes opinions from other writers of the time about Emilia Pardo Bazán. As Miguel Unamuno that she wrote that she did not invent characters, nor characters, situations or scenes; she saw, looked, heard, spied and then took it to her fictions. EITHER Leopoldo Alas Clarín always so critical of Doña Emilia.

Marisol Donis She is a pharmacist, criminologist and writer. After almost twenty uninterrupted years running her own pharmacy, she took a professional turn and obtained the title of Senior Specialist in Criminology, which she completed with the Graduate Diploma Course in Criminology. She presented the thesis, which obtained an outstanding how praiseand was published as a book in 2003. From there he took various courses in forensic biology and legal medicine, among others.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/emilia-pardo-bazan-y-su-fascinacion-por-la-criminologia

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