Embracing the revolution
by Carla Bataller Estruch
15 julio 2022
Feminist fantasy genre anthology selected by Crononauta.
What would happen if two extraterrestrial races met and could not communicate? What will motherhood be like in the future? Can we rewrite classic characters and change their destiny? Do trees speak?
Embracing the revolution collects twelve stories from the most extraordinary voices of current fantasy. Science fiction, horror and fantasy come together in this volume to vindicate the rights of oppressed groups in the real world, to create a genealogy between women, to talk about wars, revolutions, sacrifices and hope.
The stories that make up Embracing the revolution They have been chosen both for their quality and their popularity among Matreon readers. With this work, We are once again committed to anthologies of diverse, inclusive and current stories with the intention of presenting in our country the most relevant writers of the international fantasy scene.
The official publication date of Embracing the revolution It’s July 15. The cover illustration is by Julie Dillon and the design was done by Laura Soriano. In addition, the translation of the foreign stories is carried out by Carla Bataller Estruch.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/abrazando-la-revolucion