Don’t tell me stories
by Sandra Sabatés
Behind many princes hide ferocious wolves
Snow White threw herself into the arms of a love that she thought was perfect and that ended up canceling her; Sleeping Beauty fell into a forced sleep and, when she woke up, she had suffered a rape; Ariel had a part of her body torn off under the pretext of achieving purity; Little Red Riding Hood went to the San Fermín festivities and was raped by five wolves, the Pamplona Pack. All of them are real testimonies.
Sandra Sabatés has interviewed women who live next to us, young people who deal with their ghosts while trying to rebuild their lives… They are also survivors, like the protagonists of classic stories, although the stories collected here are hardly childish. The rawness of a reality that refuses to disappear remains, but also the hope that the day will come when monsters only live in fiction.
A book that denounces the extent to which we have normalized gender violence
Sandra Sabatés (Granollers, Barcelona, 1979) has a degree in Audiovisual Communication. Her professional career has been linked to television, first as a local news presenter and, starting in 2007, on La Sexta. Since 2012, he has presented the humorous information program El intermedia with great success. She has been awarded the CIMA TV Festival of Vitoria Award (awarded by the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media) and the Meninas 2018 Award (awarded by the Government Delegation) for her section “Woman had to be”, in both cases. In addition, she has also received the 2018 Ondas Award for best television presenter, has written the book Pelea como una chica (Planeta, 2018) and has collaborated in the anthology Voces que telling (Planeta Cómic, 2021).
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/no-me-cuentes-cuentos