About the book

Do you want to change the world in a sustainable way?
Are you looking for a way to take action?

The world is crying out for help, we all know it.

In 2015, world leaders together with the UN proposed 17 Sustainable Development Goals, framed in the 2030 Agenda, to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people around the world.

Today, March 2023, the world is shouting more than ever and public administrations, companies, universities and schools continue to have very, very little knowledge of how and with what tools such development can be generated. We must take action and we know how.

The Learning by Helping methodology is designed for the creation and development of projects and businesses with social and environmental impact through innovation. This book is a manual of methodology, and seeks to teach you, from doing, each concept, tool and process necessary to achieve projects and businesses with positive impact and for the future. A real, sustainable and happier future for everyone. Reality is already hard enough, so this book explains how to solve it with simplicity, humor, practical exercises and disruptive examples of the projects we have already developed.

Learning by Helping

It is a creative laboratory of social and environmental innovation based in Barcelona. Through its own methodology and at an international level, it is dedicated to designing and developing training, entrepreneurship programs, creative hackathons and consultancies for the development of impact projects with and without profit motive.

It is a leader in the ecosystem of Spain and Latin America, and in recent years more than 20,000 people, 5,000 projects and 100 organizations have passed through its hands. They have also shared their vision at TEDx, and created the Master of Social Innovation for 10 euros, a high-level, online and live academic proposal for which more than 18,000 students from 86 different countries signed up.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/creatividad-para-salvar-el-mundo

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