About the book
Chemistry Lessons, the impressive debut of North American Bonnie Garmus.
A revenge story with a culinary touch about female emancipation in the early sixties.
A few weeks after its publication in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, it became one of the most sought-after and commented books of the moment. A true publishing phenomenon that already has translations into thirty-nine languages ​​and has reached the magical figure of one million copies sold in the United States and 400,000 in Germany.
The novel has been nominated book of the year by the prestigious Barnes & Noble bookstore and has made it onto Amazon’s top twenty list. The Hay Festival has chosen it as the book of the year 2022 and Appel TV+ has announced its adaptation into a television series, with Brie Larson as the protagonist and producer.
*Original content provided by the publisher
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/lecciones-de-quimica