Original language: English Original title: Slade House Year of publication: 2015 Translation: Laura Salas...
Review of the book “The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink. “The Reader” is a novel...
About the book What makes us a couple? How many ingredients does this recipe...
Review of the book “Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair” by Pablo...
Review of the book “Awake, oh young people of the new age!” by Kenzaburo...
The stationby Jacopo De Michelis Milan, April 2003. Riccardo Mezzanotte is a young police...
Original language: Japanese Original title: Hebi ni piasu Translation: Makiko Tsujimoto Year of publication:...
My body is the desert: A mystical journey that explores the connection between the...
Review of the book “Red and Black” by Stendhal. Red and Black is a...
Review of the book “Women” by Charles Bukowski. “Women” is a semi-autobiographical novel written...
About the book A fascinating and intense analysis of Elizabeth II’s early years as...
Original language: español Year of publication: 1981 Valuation: Essential This review is an act...
Review of the book “Will the cat eat my eyes?” And Other Questions About...
Review of the book “1,2,3,4: The Beatles marking time”, by Craig Brown One day...
Original language: NorwegianOriginal title: SisterYear of publication: 2000Translation: Cristina Gomez-BaggethunValuation: Advisable Says the sash...
The Shadow Over Innsmouth (illustrated), by HP Lovecraft and Tomás Jr. If there is...
Review of the book “Midnight Cowboy”, by James Leo Herlihy There are titles that...
Review of the book “Dark Tourism 2. Even darker”, by Míriam del Río At...
Original language: FrenchOriginal title: A better best friendTranslation: Birabiro editorialYear of publication: 2023Valuation: advisable...
Original language: castellano Year of publication: 1978 Valuation: Alright I arrived at Jesús Fernández...
“Servants and Maids” by Ivy Compton-Burnett, one of the greatest novelists of the 20th...
I left the rabbits behind and I don’t care! of… Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/me-he-dejado-los-conejos-atras-y-no-me-importa-de-gerardo-collazo-vilar
Original language: Español Year of publication: 2024Valuation: Between recommendable and okay Theory of the...
Original language: español.Year of publication: 1984.Valuation: quite recommended There will be those who say...
Original language: Korean Original title: Chaesikjuuija (vegetarian) Translation: Sunme Yoon Year of publication: 2007...
What we considered goodby Nacho Cardero The personal reflections of one of Spain’s most...
Original language: English Original title: The Vampyre Year of publication: 1819 Translation: in this...
The blood of the fatherby Alfonso Goizueta He conquered the most powerful empire in...
All the nights that we were smoke Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/todas-las-noches-que-fuimos-humo
Review of the book «Hölderlin. A Novel» by Peter Härtling. «Hölderlin. A novel” is...