Breo: The Celt who challenged Rome
by Francisco Narla
THE CELTIC WHO CHALLENGED ROME. His father had started the journey, but he was betrayed. He, however, took refuge on the coast, far from the clans; He only wanted to sail to the green islands of the north and follow in the footsteps of the ancient legends. But his people were dying, enslaved in the greatest gold mine of almighty Rome. A witch from the Order went looking for him. A young woman destined to lead men believed it possible. And, among the luxuries of Rome, drowned in wine, drowned in its excesses, Nero cried out for revenge and howled for absolute conquest. Never before were such a number of legions gathered. The slogan was to kill anyone capable of holding a weapon. And that was when lineage and inheritance forced him to fight. There was only one way out: finish what his father had started. To rebel. Together they would stand up to the most powerful empire of all time. Niske united the clans. And at last Breus defied Rome.
Francisco Narla, writer and airline captain. He has published novels, stories, poetry, technical essays and articles. As a lecturer, he has participated in different forums, such as university centers or radio and television programs. In 2009 he published his first novel, Los lobos del centeno, after its success in Spain it was published in Mexico for all of Latin America, and revisited in 2019 to offer its readers a special illustrated edition. Caja negra, his second work of fiction, was published in 2010, and was republished in 2015. In 2012 he surprised us with Assur, with which he received public applause and conquered the best-seller lists. And the following year he presented Ronin, with which he established himself as one of the most talented historical novel writers in our country. Donde aullan las colinas is his most personal work and represents a brilliant turn in his career. With LAÍN, THE BASTARD he wins the 1st EDHASA PRIZE FOR HISTORICAL NARRATIVES.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/breo