«If you breathe, you need to read this book. » Wallace Nichols
«A transformative book that will completely change the way we think about our body and mind. » Joshua Foer
Did you know that of the 5,400 species of mammals we are the only one that has crooked teeth? 150 years ago humans stopped chewing, and with this not only did a process of deformation of our jaws begin, but we also began to breathe through the mouth instead of through the nose.
In this exciting book, which has already seduced millions of readers around the world, we will discover that humans have been devolving for nearly two centuries and the serious consequences that this has on our physical and mental health. We will learn how we can reverse this situation and put an end to sleep problems, snoring and back pain forever, reduce stress, enjoy sex more and prevent aging.
It doesn’t matter what you eat or how much you exercise; It doesn’t matter if you are young, strong and intelligent. Your health essentially depends on the way you breathe. And you’re doing it wrong.
Press release
Breathe by James Nestor
You will never breathe the same again
Did you know that of the 5,400 species of mammals we are the only one that has crooked teeth? 150 years ago, human beings stopped chewing, and with this not only did a process of deformation of our jaws begin, but we also began to breathe through the mouth instead of through the nose.
In this exciting book, which has already seduced millions of readers around the world, we will discover that humans have been devolving for nearly two centuries and the serious consequences that this has on our physical and mental health. We will learn how we can reverse this situation and put an end to sleep problems, snoring and back pain forever, reduce stress and prevent aging.
Why read Breathe
- A book between personal experience, science and history and with surprising information.
- The book includes a practical part for breathing correctly.
- The current situation and wearing a mask have highlighted the implications of breathing badly.
- A book that has taken the US by storm. A success on a health topic that is little or nothing talked about.
“If you breathe, you need to read this book”
A transformative book that will completely change the way we think about our body and mind.
The new science of a forgotten art
It doesn’t matter what you eat or how much you exercise; It doesn’t matter if you are young, strong and intelligent. Your health essentially depends on the way you breathe. And you’re doing it wrong.
Your health depends on the way you breathe. And you’re doing it wrong.
If you learn to breathe, you can forever end sleep problems, snoring and back pain, reduce stress and prevent aging.
Become one of the surprise publishing phenomena of the year in the United States with more than half a million copies sold, comes this fascinating book halfway between dissemination and health, written just before masks began to be an essential element of our life.
The prestigious American journalist James Nestor publishes with Editorial Planeta a very powerful book that has dazzled millions of readers around the world. A scrupulously documented work on the forgotten art of breathing, a science about which we know very little and on which our health depends greatly. We assume that breathing is a passive action, simply something we do unconsciously, but breathing correctly requires patterns that have been studied and developed throughout history, as the author explains.
A decade of travel, documentation, interviews and experiments to be able to narrate in first person the physiological alterations that breathing produces in our body. If we breathe correctly we can reduce stress in our lives, banish back pain forever and put an end to snoring. The author is the living example of this, whose battered lungs had caused him more than one recurrent pneumonia, as well as constant respiratory tract infections.
One of the great discoveries that James Nestor collects in this work is
how our ability to breathe has changed during the long processes of human evolution. The way we breathe has worsened markedly since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, largely due to the soft foods we consume today that make our chewing process insufficient. This has led to the constant shrinkage of the front of the human skull, making us more likely to breathe through the mouth. In that sense, humans have been evolving for more than two centuries, developing increasingly smaller jaws that mean that the teeth do not fit in them and twist to adapt. Everything is related to the breathing process, from the size of the sinuses and mouth to body posture or the use of the diaphragm.
This work is the result of years of searching among ancient texts, medical studies and scientific experiments. The first references that the author found that contained detailed instructions on how to regulate breathing, how to hold the air and how to swallow it, date back to 400 BC. C. and are collected in seven books of Chinese Taoism. In Hindu culture, breathing techniques are very important and even describe sophisticated practices to balance breathing and preserve both physical and mental health. It is also known that Buddhists use breathing not only to prolong life, but also to reach higher levels of consciousness. What all those distant cultures had in common was that they had used breathing as a powerful medicine.
The author also collects the work of people from different periods who, like him, were fascinated by everything related to breathing. These pulmonauts, as James Nestor calls them, had discovered that the optimal amount of air that we should ingest at rest per minute is 5.5 liters. The optimal respiratory rate is about 5.5 breaths per minute. This means inhalations of 5.5 seconds and exhalations of 5.5 seconds. This is the perfect breath.
In the author’s words, “this book is a scientific adventure into the forgotten art and science of breathing. Explore the transformation that occurs within our bodies every 3.3 seconds, the time it takes on average to inhale and exhale. Explains how the billions of molecules we breathe in with every breath have built our bones, muscle linings, blood, brains and organs, and reviews the emerging science of how these microscopic bits will influence our health and happiness tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and decades to come.”
The techniques presented in this work will lead us to considerably improve our quality of life and experience the benefits for ourselves. The key to achieving optimal breathing and reaping all the health, stamina and longevity benefits that come with it is to practice taking fewer inhales and exhales and breathing in a smaller volume. Breathe, but breathe less. As the famous American author Wallace Nichols points out, “if you breathe, you need to read this book.”
*Original content provided by Planeta publishing house
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/respira