The author:

Cadiz, November 23, 1975. He studied Psychology at the University of Seville and at the UNED but, as he says:
“I realized that I was able to reach the soul through literature sooner than to know it through Freud.”
Since 2007, she has managed the administrative and night-time emergency services at the Quirónsalud Sagrado Corazón Hospital in Seville.

In the literary field, his active involvement in this world is very recent; although he participated in publications with a very specific local scope, since 2014 he has been a regular contributor to the digital media IslaPasión (San Fernando, Cádiz) –where he has his own section called «La trastienda»— and to the cultural magazine Letra Libre (Seville). Since 2017 he has collaborated as an opinion columnist in XYZ Diario (Seville), in Sevillainfo Diario Independiente (Seville) and in the cultural magazine Blanco sobre Negro (Córdoba). His writings can be found in notable cultural publications, such as the annual magazine of the Ateneo de Cádiz or in the one published by the University of Oklahoma (USA), Latin American Literature Today, the Spanish version of the prestigious and award-winning World Literature Today, from the same University, and in literary newsletters and blogs in Spain and America.

His verses have had the honor of being selected to form part of various poetic anthologies.

Speaker at a round table discussion on poetry at the San Fernando Book Fair (Cádiz), in its 2016 edition.

In June of that year, he presented his first manuscript in the same island city: «De profundis. Stories and poems of a prodigal son», with Punto Rojo Libros. A work where he combines narrative – through short stories – and poetry, reviewed and analyzed in depth by the graduate in Hispanic Philology Mr. Eduardo Madrid Cobos, in the magazine Poémame Poesía (2018), of which he highlights that «in the line of Croce’s post-romantic criticism, it is a unique and incomparable work, in the sense that it belongs to a personal style, without clearly following any marked trail».

In November, in Cadiz, he participated in the IV Meeting of Poets of Now, bringing with him his own poetic proposal, making good on his idea of ​​a concise and effective form of poetry.
In December he became part of the leading Literary Institution “Noches del Baratillo” in the city of Seville.

In 2017, at the IX International Literary Contest in honor of “Alfonsina Storni”, held in Buenos Aires (Argentina), her presented work – the poem “A love letter” – was awarded the first special mention by the competent jury.

In May 2018, she presented her second collection of poems, “Bohemías” at the Athenaeums of Seville and Cadiz; a direct, lyrical work, with a cultivated, intimate language, without artifice and an anachronistic romanticism based on the exaltation of emotions.

In June of that same year, at the Andalusian Center of San Fernando, he directed “Bohemías en primera persona subjective” (Bohemias in the first subjective person); a literary proposal that, based on his latest work (Bohemías, Ed. Multiverso 2018), and presented and sponsored by Mr. Juan José Téllez Rubio, today former director of the Andalusian Center of Letters, aims to bring to poetry the Lorca ideal of theater (born from the people, made for the people), combining recitations of the aforementioned collection of poems in the voice of its readers, with the theatrical dramatization of its texts musically adapted.

He is a member of the Most Excellent Athenaeum of Seville, the Literary, Scientific and Artistic Athenaeum of Cadiz, the Association of Spanish Writers and Artists –which is part of the Cervantes Institute–, the International Association of Hispanists, the American Literature Society, academic and delegate in Seville of the International Academy of Modern Literature and collaborator of the Hispanic Society of America, New York.

He has been awarded the title of Knight Hospitaller by the Royal and Meritorious Institution of the Spanish Knights Hospitaller of Saint John the Baptist, of Cadiz.

He is currently immersed in his first exclusively narrative work (Memorias de aquella Isla) and in the co-authorship of the second part of “Microcádiz”, a book of micro-stories that has the aforementioned coastal city as its setting.


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