Review of the book “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman” by Haruki Murakami


“Blind, Sleeping Willow” is a collection of 24 short stories by acclaimed Japanese author Haruki Murakami, exploring themes such as loneliness, loss, memory and identity. Each story presents characters who find themselves in situations of isolation and disconnection, and who desperately seek human connection.

Murakami’s stories in “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman” are evocative and emotional, and his ability to create complex, believable characters makes for an immersive read. Through the lives of these characters, Murakami reflects on the nature of loneliness and the importance of human connection in our lives.

One of the most interesting aspects of the collection is the exploration of memory and identity. Through the characters, Murakami questions the nature of memory and how it influences our perception of ourselves and the world around us. Additionally, the collection highlights the importance of authenticity and human connection in the search for identity.

Murakami’s prose in “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman” is poetic and evocative, and his ability to create atmospheres and emotional landscapes makes reading a sensory experience. Despite the brevity of the stories, Murakami manages to develop complex and believable characters, whose emotions and experiences resonate with the reader.

“Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman,” by Haruki Murakami, a Japanese author who fascinates me for his ability to create imaginary worlds and memorable characters. The book is a collection of 24 stories that cover different themes and styles, from magical realism to horror, including humor and melancholy. Murakami shows us his mastery of mixing the everyday with the fantastic, the dreamlike with the lucid, the trivial with the transcendent. Each story is a window to an alternative reality, where the impossible becomes possible and the absurd becomes logical.

Some of the stories that I liked the most were:

– “The Seventh Man”, where a man tells how he lost his best friend in childhood due to a giant wave and how he has lived with trauma and guilt throughout his life.

– “The Year of Spaghetti”, where a lonely young man tells how he dedicated himself to cooking spaghetti for an entire year to escape from the problems of the world.

– “The monkey that steals names”, where a woman meets a talking monkey who confesses that he has stolen her name and offers to return it to her in exchange for a favor.

– “The Ice Man”, where a woman falls in love with a man who was born at the North Pole and whose body is frozen.

– “Blind willow, sleeping woman”, where a couple discovers that every time they sleep together they have strange dreams connected to each other.

These are just a few examples of the variety and richness of Murakami’s stories, which invite us to reflect on life, love, death, loneliness, memory and identity. They are stories that surprise us, excite us, entertain us and make us think. They are stories that transport us to other worlds and make us see ours with different eyes. They are stories that deserve to be read and enjoyed.

In summary, “Willow Blind Sleeping Woman” is a collection of moving and profound stories that demonstrates Haruki Murakami’s talent for exploring human emotions and creating memorable characters. Through the lives of these characters, the author invites us to reflect on the nature of loneliness, human connection and identity. This collection is a must-read for Murakami fans and those interested in the exploration of human psychology and contemporary Japanese literature.


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