About the book Twenty years after his death, the first anthology of his songs...
Synopsis: Tears in the Rain contains 73 stories. It all started on my wedding...
Review of the book “The Bonfire of the Vanities” by Tom Wolfe. The Bonfire...
Idioma original: portuguese Original title: A stranger in Goa Translation: Claudia Solans Year of...
Book review of “South of the Border, West of the Sun” by Haruki Murakami...
About the book A past, a guilt, a silence and a family marked by...
Review of the book “Cursed Books, Cursed Books” by Juan Carlos Díez Jayo. “Cursed...
A heritage and its historyde Ivy Compton-Burnett “An Inheritance and Its History” is a...
Breo: The Celt who challenged Romeby Francisco Narla THE CELTIC WHO CHALLENGED ROME. His...
The brutal murders of “First Father” return, the novel by Joan Llensa that Grijalbo...
Language: español Year of publication: 2024 Valuation: recommendable Last installment of that kind of...
It is a pleasure to return to the art of reviews, after a (stressful)...
Idioma original: French Original title: One Translation: Vanesa García Cazorla Year of publication: 1969...
Press release In early 1945, Clotilde von Havel, a German aristocrat married to a...
Review of the book “The Guard” by Nikos Kavadías. “The Guard” is a novel...
Money and power in the Third Reich: The hidden history of Germany’s richest dynastiesby...
Idioma original: Serbocroat Original title: The Bronze AgeYear of publication: 2015Translation: Luisa Fernanda Garrido...
Review of the book “The Shadow” by Javier Maqua. “The Shadow” is a mystery...
The women of Troyby Pat Barker THE TROJAN WAR WAS ALWAYS THE WOMEN’S WAR....
Goliath’s eyeby Diego Muzzio Synopsis: One of the best kept secrets in Argentine literature,...
About the book Villa Melania is a novel of mystery and family secrets where...
«It is a very entertaining book, it has a plot that hooks you and...
Idioma original: español Year of publication: 2000 Valuation: I have no idea Among the...
Review of the book “The Mask of Death and Other Stories” by HD Everett....
How could another race be invaded without them realizing it? “Subrogated Invasion”, the new...
Adriana’s voicesby Elvira Navarro How is the world reordered after a death? How much...
Euphoria: Swann’s Algorithm Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/euphoria-el-algoritmo-de-swann
About the book “After so many years of living off her body, she knew...
Idioma original: castellano Year of publication: 1990 Valuation: Recommendable A woman (who we will...
Review of the book “The Thousand and One Nights” by Anonymous. The Thousand and...