The author:
José María de Torres González was born on July 3, 1968 in the maternity ward of the former Gómez Ulla Military Hospital, located in the Madrid neighborhood of Carabanchel. That neighborhood witnessed the first years of his life, those in which, from a very young age, he dreamed of becoming a police officer to follow in his father’s footsteps. He gave up on that dream after continuous pressure from his parents who, after the growing rise of terrorism in Spain, begged him to find another path. When he married in 1991, he moved to Villaverde Bajo, also in Madrid, where he lived for seven years, until, in 1998, he ended up in the Getafe neighborhood of Perales del Río, where he currently resides. He studied Professional Training in the field of Graphic Arts and worked for almost thirty years for companies in the sector and for some Spanish publishers. His experience in his profession led him to teach classes for the Master of Publishing at the University of Alcalá de Henares. An avid reader of mystery novels, he decided to emulate his favorite writers and in 2013 he created his own detective novel, thus achieving his childhood dream, even if it was only in fiction. Arcángeles (Madrid, Editorial MCF Textos, 2018) is his first work, and it is, along with A Trail of Breadcrumbs and The Smiles of Blue, part of a trilogy starring Police Inspector Gabriel Almansa. Since 2014, separated from working life due to health issues, he has dedicated himself entirely to his novels. Among his other hobbies, he stands out as an imitator of famous voices. This led him to direct and present, back in the 90s, the radio comedy program Ensalada de garbanzos, on the community radio station Onda Merlín, and to make some collaborations on Cadena SER in Aranjuez, in addition to participating in some private performances and winning some imitation contest. The Caserío de Perales Neighborhood Association chose him to be the crier of the XXIII edition of the Perales del Río Asparagus Festival, which was celebrated on June 1, 2019.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/arcangeles-de-jose-maria-de-torres-gonzalez