
All our curses were fulfilled narrates the transition from childhood to maturity of a girl who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community until, one winter morning, when she was barely 5 years old, a bomb took her father’s life and blew up all her certainties. Without a father figure, the protagonist grows up in an environment dominated by strong women, which will give her the determination necessary to question the religious mandates that surround her and the limitations imposed by her gender.

Tamara Tenenbaum tells a personal story that is also generational, crossed by a latent tension that shapes all ties. Through a dry, ironic style, with intelligent flashes of humor, the author describes the climate of her childhood and her adolescence within Orthodoxy and her symbolic and real break in search of less suffocating horizons. That search will bring the promise of sexual freedom and love, but also confusion, inadequacy to a world that is no longer designed in advance.

About the book

The long-awaited first novel by Tamara Tenenbaum, a coming-of-age as personal as it is generational about the awakening to adult life of a young millennial.

«I have been wondering for a long time why there was no voice like Tamara Tenenbaum’s, a contemporary voice that had the naturalness of Natalia Ginzburg or Irène Némirovsky, the life of a Jewish girl in Latin America today. All our curses were fulfilled is written with that voice”, Guadalupe Nettel.

«I know the fragility of the property, the houses and the stories. I moved from my mother’s Once to my grandmother’s Almagro and from there, to my friends’ Villa Crespo. For that they had to go through: one death, four apostasies, two retirements, a court ruling, nearly one hundred and twenty menstruations. Now I have a cat and work from home. I live with my boyfriend and sometimes we don’t see each other all week. “No one wonders when I’m going to have children, except me,” TAMARA TENENBAUM. All our curses were fulfilled (p. 61)

«I always say that I did not lose faith because I never had it. I sense that my mother doesn’t either, although she was religious for a long time, but she is a practical person. She believed in God as long as she was the most useful thing to live in the world and stopped just as easily when it became inconvenient. […] I think that I have the same relationship with writing that atheists who are about to die and start praying have with God: we know that it is of no use but we do it, just in case it ends up being of some use. Sung that my mother is going to be one of those. If she costs you nothing, Tami, she would tell me. I guess I’ll end up praying for her. For myself I hope not”, TAMARA TENENBAUM. All our curses were fulfilled (p. 107)

*Original content provided by the publisher Seix Barral


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