Idioma original: EspaƱol
Year of publication: 2022
Valuation: Alright
Anchor objecta self-published anthology by Tamara Romero, contains seven stories. Seven dark, disturbing, perverse and cruel stories; seven stories filled with an exquisitely caustic black humor; seven stories that, despite sharing characters and settings, can be read independently.
I liked them all, but I think they could be polished. Although they have premises with a lot of potential, they don’t make the most of them. Add to that two more pitfalls: the lack of focus on important sections (characterizations, backgrounds…) and the tendency to over-explain. Nor does the need to connect the texts help to round out the whole; a need that sometimes forces the insertion of purely decorative references in them in an unorganic way.
In my opinion, the most successful are “Un sendero elĆ©ctrico” and “AplaudirĆ”n cuando me vaya”. Also of note are the Carver-esque “Una buena amiga”, the depraved “Licking a cactus” and “La carcasa”, a gem to which we owe the image on the cover.
On the other hand, I would point out that “Esfinge severa” and “Galactogogos” suffer from a certain predictability. This is especially frustrating in the first one, whose bizarre touch predicted a much more extravagant fiction than the one we finally received.
In summary: Anchor object It is, despite its ups and downs, an interesting volume. Still, I feel that something is missing. Perhaps it would have benefited from a more rigorous style review; perhaps the figure of an editor would have helped to reorient it where necessary. In any case, the literary sensibility it exudes is so similar to my own that I cannot help but recommend it.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/08/tamara-romero-objeto-ancla.html