Original language: español
Year of publication: 2023
Valuation: shameful, scandalous
Well yes, gentlemen, it is shameful and scandalous, and regrettable that books like this King Corp. are published, and I believe that this is a particularly important day to, let alone review it, but openly denounce it.
This is an extensive report by two investigative journalists that includes a multitude of very specific data (we therefore understand that many of them have been duly verified) that profusely prove, although somewhat dispersed and haphazard, all the various benefits of which ordered, during his reign, Juan Carlos I, currently known as the emeritus. And many after it ended following his abdication, which the book attributes to the impressive decline in popularity not only of his figure, but of the monarchical institution. Not to mention his recurring skirt troubles, which seem to be a constant in his reign, and his ways of covering and financing them by dipping into public coffers, a common practice. Also mix his public functions with a Stakhanovite sense of business opportunity which translated into earning generous commissions free of taxes and legal controls.
To paraphrase one of the presenters of The competitionI ask, “And?”
Why are these two gentlemen allowed to stick their noses in and access information that is understood to be secret and confidential? What about the discretion and complicit silence that rulers of such a level deserve, who sacrifice their lives, their time of well-deserved leisure and rest, so that their subjects can live in the humility and ignorance that is, clearly, the situation that brings you more comfort and tranquility?
Who does not see, does not suffer.
Therefore, publishing this, as Libros del KO does, famous for upsetting dedicated Galician conservative leaders, is shameful and regrettable. Poor emeritusyou can no longer respect older people who go about their business and retire to modestly enjoy the savings There, where the climate is favorable and the people are friendly, where lifelong friendships are. As American retirees go to Miami, Spaniards go to Abu Dhabi, and they don’t even have the right to do that, it seems. The illusion of a bare gray hair is also denied to him. Let’s see if they expected it to come out in First Dates. His children, always so busy with their regattas, their horses, their academic preparation, what would they know about their little affairs? They have few occasions to see each other, to have the lack of elegance to talk about money over dinner. Dad and his things, who was going to notice watches worth hundreds of thousands of euros, limited edition cars, bribes worth millions of euros, encrypted accounts, apartments in exclusive areas, high-speed trips on private planes, with the hassle that represents reigning a country and that all those officials, some of them some royer of care, they persecute you so that you sign laws that you don’t care about, that you don’t have to comply with.
There is no money to pay for that.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/11/josa-maria-olmo-y-david-fernandez-king.html