Original language: English
Original title: Midnight Cowboy
Translation: Ce Santiago
Year of publication: 1965
Valuation: recommendable
midnight cowboyde James Leo Herlihy, It exudes expressiveness in its workmanship and background. It narrates the tragicomic existence of Joe Buck, an attractive but somewhat naive young man who, seeking to make money and defeat loneliness, will go to New York, where he will try to get ahead as a gigolo.
There are three sections in which this novel stands out. First of all, in the layout of its protagonist. Herlihy gives depth to his psychology, character and voice; Likewise, he makes us sympathize with him at all times, especially when he is in difficult circumstances.
Another notable aspect of the play is the relationship that Joe establishes with the young cripple nicknamed Ratso. The interactions between both characters are loaded with meaning, and organically lead to an intimacy that is as beautiful and moving as it is fragile and desperate.
I would also like to claim one last virtue: Herlihy’s prose. Not only does it convey the plot with an enviable narrative pulse, but it also gives certain scenes a subtlety that allows the reader to take ownership of the events.
It is clear, then, that midnight cowboy abounds in merits. If I had to criticize it, it would simply be that certain passages seem somewhat repetitive. For example, those who demonstrate that Joe’s intellectual level, his inexperience, his naive nature, and his desire to alleviate his loneliness make him someone who is overly trusting, who is easy to take advantage of or abuse.
For all that has been said, I recommend this novel especially to lovers of dirty realism, to sybarites of good psychological literature or to enthusiasts of fictions that demystify the American dream.
Ah, there is a film adaptation of this 1969 work that at the time won an Oscar and today is considered cult. Although from what I understand it is very good, it does not dare (or perhaps the industry did not allow it) to go as far as the original material.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2023/12/james-leo-herlihy-cowboy-de-medianoche.html