Original language: Español
Year of publication: 2023
Valuation: Alright
How can I not feel appreciation for Isaac? I owe him many hours of entertainment during my youth. I also greatly appreciate that he gradually distanced himself from the figure of Loulogio and returned to his true vocation: drawing comics.

What is it about? Well, it is a portrait of the author’s current life. It places special emphasis on his transition from YouTube star to comic artist and shows him overcoming an existential-work-emotional crisis. The starting point, very well chosen, is the move to the Madrid neighborhood of Prosperidad. There are some pretty funny recurring gags, a couple of curious mysteries and characters that, without being complex or memorable, manage to be loved.
Perhaps the most successful sections of The one with the blanket be the emotional substrate of the plot, the narrative structure and the original transitions that link different sequences. On the other hand, the graphic aspect seems somewhat inconsistent, and combines very ingenious stylistic decisions with others that tend to be questionable.
Be that as it may, The one with the blanket It is a light, fun and occasionally witty graphic novel. I recommend it to Isaac’s admirers who love his skills as a stand-up comedian or his way of telling stories, present in the script and the structure of the work respectively. Also to laymen who simply love the medium and want to get to know an author who, when he is inspired, is capable of performing authentic miracles in terms of emotionality and visual display.

Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/02/isaac-sanchez-el-de-la-batamanta.html