Hello to all the friends of Un Libro Al Día! We wish you a happy International Day of Visiting the Graves of Relatives We Are Not Going to See All Year… Well, although this name is no longer entirely accurate, because visiting cemeteries is no longer a boring thing. and shabby (when it is due to family imposition) or disturbingly creepy (when done for pleasure) to become an increasingly cool and desirable trend, an affordable leisure alternative for everyone and a must when we travel to cosmopolitan cities or sufficiently exotic places, even if they are slums… Since we are on a book blog, we must remember that the rise of this trend is also due, or at least in part, to the success of more titles. or less recent like A tomb with a view by Peter Ross or, of course, someone walks over your grave by our never sufficiently admired Mariana Enriquez (there is also at least one other book on the subject, although from more years ago, written by the Dutch Cees Nooteboom).
So, for all those who are going to spend your holidays or any other free time visiting cemeteries and, above all, looking for the graves of your favorite and deceased authors, today we recover our Bibilionecrophiliac Quiz dedicated to the last resting places of the letter boards that have already passed away. Well, better less for those who were drunks, pichabravas, scammers and scoundrels in general, of course, since there have been a few of those… Is everyone ready? Shall we start now? Well let’s play!
B/ Amiens.
C/ Paris.
D/ Nemours, where Captain Nemo’s family came from.
A/ Obviously, cupcakes.
B/ Broken watches, because of the “lost time.”
C/ Wax for mustache guides.
D/ Nothing, because if he sees you leave The guard of Pére Lachaise, trash, chases you around the cemetery with his hat.
A/ A giant ring, with his name and that of his wife engraved in the elvish language.
B/ Book open to the page where the map of Middle Earth is drawn.
C/ Faithfully reproduces the tomb of Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.
D/ As a gardener to plant halfling grass… I mean, flowers, perhaps in homage to the profession of Samwise Ganyi.

4- His ashes rest under an almond tree… that is, this olive tree, so if you wait for the olives to come out and eat some, you will be ingesting a little bit of this famous writer… and committing, in a certain way. way, anthropophagy (be careful, olives cannot be eaten directly from the tree, they must be prepared or cured first). Who are we talking about?
A/ Balls.
B/ Collier.
C/ Colliure
D/ Perpignan.
B/ She was cremated and her ashes were thrown into space on the first commercial flight of the company SpaceX, courtesy of its owner, Elon Musk.
C/ Her body was donated to science, as she had established.
D/ Her remains were fed to the vultures, as is customary in the Zoroastrian religion, of which she was a fervent believer.

7- Until its fall a couple of years ago, the tree in the photograph (an ash tree, to be precise) was in the London cemetery of St. Pancras, surrounded by tombstones since it was those lreform of the cemetery in 1877. It is said that one of the tombstones belongs to the author of the vampireLord By… I mean John William Polidori. Now, the tree is known by the name of another 19th century British writer who worked as an assistant to the architect in charge of the remodeling. Who was it about?
C/ Anthony Trollope.

8- The famous Dante Alighieri, father of Italian letters, has two tombs, although one in Florence, empty, and the other, in Ravenna, occupied (from his remains, it is understood… or at least most of them ). But, leaving aside that episode in which an empty coffin was sent from Ravenna to troll the Florentines, the poet has not had an eternal rest either, since his remains have been in different tombs and even hidden for quite some time, not to mention that a part of his ashes were lost for 70 years, kept in a bag on a shelf in the Central Library of Florence. As for their bones, during the last year of World War II they were hidden to preserve them from possible looting in…
A/ A waterproofed chest, in the flooded crypt of the Basilica of San Francesco in Ravenna, next to his mausoleum.
B/ The Caffé Pasticceria Palumbo workshop, near his mausoleum.
C/ Under a mound of earth covered in ivy, next to his mausoleum.
D/ A farm in the town of Coccolia, next to the Forlí road.
A/ There was a Confederate prisoner camp on that land during the Civil War.
B/ Jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong is also buried there.
C/ Eli Whitney, businessman and inventor of the cotton gin, had a factory on that land.
A/ They were scattered in the Pacific Ocean.
B/ They were scattered in the Mediterranean Sea
C/ They were scattered between the Bibío River as it passed through Los Angeles (Chile), the Sonoran Desert in Mexico and Blanes Beach (Girona).
D/ They were kept by their last romantic partner until the moment they can be sent into space to become a distant star.

BONUS TRACK (only for very geeks… lyrics):
Correct answers:
1- B; 2- D; 3- D; 4- A; 5- C; 6- C; 7- A; 8- C; 9- A; 10- B; 11- C;
-Between 0 and 3 hits: Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day, right? Go home and read, soul of a pitcher…
-Between 4 and 7 hits: It’s not bad, but although you don’t need to be experts in the life and miracles of writers (or in their death, in this case), it wouldn’t hurt to get a little out of the Planeta awards and the Highlander romantic novels, for example. addictive that can be….
-Between 8 and 10 correct answers: Very well, all you need to do now is ask for vacation from work, and take advantage of what modern people call spooky season to go visit cemeteries, even if it is the one in your town…
-11 hits: ASomething tells me that if you won the lottery you would invest the prize in a pyramid-shaped mausoleum in the St. Louis Cemetery, No. 1 in New Orleans, like Nicolas Cage, to be near Anne Rice’s grave… ( Well, you would have wasted the money, because she is buried in the one in Metairie).
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/11/biblionecrophiliac-quiz-2024-make-ulad.html