Language: español
Year of publication: 2023
Valuation: between recommendable and okay
A few years ago, a type of dramatic narrative, both literary and audiovisual, starring young women, sometimes dedicated to menial trades and living in times of the not-too-distant past, was very much in vogue in Spain (it may still be). such as the postwar period, the Second Republic or, at most, the crazy (much less in the Spanish case) 20s… To this type of fiction (the most notable example would perhaps be The time between seams by María Dueñas) can be attributed, to a certain extent, to this novel by Beatriz Alcaná, a writer on the rise in fantasy. However, another point to determine is to what extent Theseus in flames can be considered as within this genre.
Let everyone judge: the story is told to us by Berta, a young woman who in 1950 moved to Madrid from her town to work in her uncle’s pharmacy. This. Pedro Egeo is actually the widower of Berta’s aunt and is remarried to a younger woman, the cold and unfriendly Fedra. He has a son from his first marriage, the enigmatic and, at first, absent Román. Between these four characters, although there are some secondary characters, the plot develops, the Almodovarian labyrinth of passions into which, little by little, all of them and the reader get involved. I don’t say it just to say the labyrinth, but because the novel has the decided intention of being a transposition or update -bueno, update 70 years ago – of the myth or legend of Theseus, the Minotaur, Ariadne and other classic characters… It also obviously reminds us of certain romantic novels of the 19th century, those in which a young governess, for example, flushed Because of the owner of the mansion where he has gone to work, he tries to find out the dark family secret he hides. Here we do not find the classic “madwoman in the attic”, but almost… All the melodrama, which is a lot, supported to a large extent by a fantastic component that directs the plot towards its conclusion.
Now, this fantastic component, although it has undeniable importance in the resolution of the story, in truth would be perfectly dispensable for its development, which could be carried out without problem using any other more mundane circumstance. What is important, rather, or at least that is the feeling that reading the book has left me with, is the melodramatic or even serial-esque part. Which, of course, there is nothing wrong with it and even, once assumed, it is totally enjoyable, but perhaps it was not what I expected or was looking for, and hence it was a bit difficult for me to get into the story. On the other hand, and taking into account what was said before, that this is not a fantastic novel or pure and simple horror, I think it is a reading that anyone can have a good time with, even more so if they like hidden passions, tormented characters and unspeakable secrets. With the addition of Alcaná’s excellent or even elegant prose, which helps set the story in that era, without the need for excessive descriptions or detailed explanations.
Finally, and returning to the beginning of the review, this is, therefore, a notable novel in its dramatic aspect but in which, in my opinion, the fantastic aspect is not as highlighted as one would expect, much less the terrifying one. Although it is true that the author creates a very interesting dark and claustrophobic environment throughout the story. Therefore, recommended if you are more or less clear about what can be found here. And a writer to whom we will have to pay attention, because she promises to give us great moments.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/12/beatriz-alcana-teseo-en-llamas.html