About the book

This volume brings together various stories by Fernando Sorrentino (first) and Antonio Sánchez Jiménez (second). As befits a storybook, the texts are varied. If anything, we can point out a common feature in many of them: a certain nostalgic tone, often combined with a taste for the impossible that the title of the book has dictated to us. Sorrentino’s stories rigorously assume the principle of variety, except in length: among them readers will find neither micro-stories nor nouvelles. As for those of Sánchez Jiménez, they are more varied in form, but they are sewn together by a thematic thread: the vicissitudes of an apparently fictitious football club, Dioce.

Sánchez Jiménez’s stories are unpublished, with the exception of “Manco Cápac” (Olfato de gol, Madrid, Reino de Cordelia, 2021). As for Sorrentino’s, many have appeared in newspapers, magazines or anthologies by various authors. We only record here his first appearance in books whose complete authorship corresponds to Sorrentino:

“To defend oneself against scorpions”, “The Correction of the Lambs”, In self-defense, Buenos Aires, Editorial de Belgrano, 1982.

«The return», «A lifestyle», The return. And other disturbing stories, Buenos Aires, Editorial Estrada, 2005.

“The lagoon of Cubelli”, “Gatti, Corletti and Negrotti”, “Mabel’s library”, Umbrellas, superstitions and crocodiles (True improbable stories), Veracruz (Mexico), Literary Institute of Veracruz, El Rinoceronte de Beatriz, 2013.

The last three stories (“Crime and Punishment”, “Panceta, Homo Fabulator”, “A Lucrative Project”) have not yet been published in a book exclusively authored by Sorrentino.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/estrafalaria-ficcion-irredenta

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