Original Language: English
Títutulu Original: The House on the Borderland
Translation (to Catalan): Jordi Llavoré
Year of publication: 1908
Valoración: Disappointing
Years ago, when I devoured everything related to HP Lovecraft in particular and the genre of horror in general, I ran into an anthology of supernatural stories with naval atmosphere entitled A tropical horror and other storiesof one William Hope Hodgson. As I liked it a lot, I began to investigate its author (who, as I discovered immediately, had a great influence on Lovecraft). One of his most claimed works is the novel THE HOUSE IN THE CONFINE OF THE EARTH. Now that I have finally read it, I must say that I understand the importance it has had to configure the cosmic horror. However, as fiction to use it seems poor, slow and boring.
After all, their parts lack unity. Likewise, the set lacks rhythm and fluidity, and abounds in tedious passages. To top it off, the long descriptions it contains fail to erect a convincing atmosphere (which does achieve authors such as Algernon Blackwood), and even attempt against the unknowable vocation of events.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2025/02/william-hope-hodgson-la-casa-en-el.html