Original language: Norwegian
Original title: Morning and evening
Translation: Meritxell Salvany (in Catalan) and Cristina Gómez-Baggethun and Kirsti Baggethun (in Spanish), for Nórdica
Year of publication: 2000
Valuation: between recommendable and okay
Having already read a few books by the Norwegian author, with just a few pages one already fully recognizes the style and tone of the narrative, filled with internal monologues, internal dialogues (I wonder if the internal monologues would not also be internal dialogues with oneself), semi-dreamlike episodes and reflections about life, death and the passage of time.
A lighter read than his other books, the text stands out especially when it tells us about Father Johannes and the course of his life among boats, friends and his family and it is precisely in this part that Fosse stands out by doing an act of revisionism of the life of Johannes and in which we are once again inundated with the story of reflective situations to, using dream episodes, talk about the passage of time and human relationships. Perhaps there seem to be few things to fill a story or a life, but, depending on how, they can also be almost everything.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2025/01/jon-fosse-manana-y-tarde.html