Original language: English
Original title: Table for Two
Translation: Gemma Rovira Ortega for Salamandra
Year of publication: 2024
Valuation: advisable
I’ll say right off the bat that I want to read everything Amor Towles publishes. Regardless of whether the story arouses more or less interest in me, the quality of its writing transcends the argument presented. It is known from the outset that a story can captivate you more or less, but it will rarely disappoint if it bears the signature of the American author.
In this curious book, and I say curious because of its approach as it consists of six stories (about forty pages each) followed by a short novel, the author captures his plot and even stylistic variety, although in all his stories the The aura that surrounds them is a feeling that for Towles there are no good guys or bad guys, his characters have a variety of nuances and identity traits that make them truly human and credible protagonists. And, in the same way, their stories always have the message that is seen in the background that things do not happen just because, but that the destiny of their characters is traced in each of their decisions made, confirming that free will is that powerful weapon that moves the threads of each person’s life.
Therefore, curiously, and contrary to what one imagined, the book is much better in the short stories than in the new since this, without leaving aside the sobriety that always exists in Towles’ texts, is still a detective novel without much to highlight or that we had not read before. Yes, I have really enjoyed the short stories, because of the plot variety but also because of the focus and underlying message in each of them. For this reason, and after reading several of the American author’s books, it becomes evident that Towles has a very marked and constant style throughout his career: a sober and elegant style (on par with most of his characters). which allows him to perfectly recreate the situations in which his protagonists develop the action while making a great portrait of each of them, always maintaining an aura of elegance and know how unbeatable.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/11/amor-towles-mesa-para-dos.html