Review of the book “The Three-Body Problem” by Cixin Liu.
By Ander Terrones Arellano.

One of the great sensations of this 2024 has undoubtedly been the adaptation of the novel into a series The three-body problem (2006). The original work, by Chinese author Cixin Liu, was recognized, among others, with the prestigious Hugo Award for best novel. It is not so common for a Chinese story to reach and conquer so many readers in this part of the world, so it is interesting to analyze what its strengths are. This is the first part of a trilogy already completed.

In The three-body problem We are told of the communication between humans and the inhabitants of a planet called Trisolaris. There they suffer from an unsolvable problem, at least for the moment: they orbit around three suns, which leads to chaotic eras in which life becomes impossible. This is the problem of the three bodies: the movements of the suns cannot be calculated because they are not stable and move without control or meaning. Among some humans a movement has already been organized in favor of the arrival of extraterrestrials to Earth, conferring on them little less than the status of gods who come to save the human race.

First of all, it should be noted that the work is framed in hard science fiction; that is, the events that occur are not purely fantasy, and according to scientific theories it could happen. Therefore, the reading is even more unsettling when we realize the realism within the madness that is told, as everything is perfectly measured.

The book is also a great lesson in physics and science in general. Something that an audiovisual product cannot provide, such as the calm and rest of pages and pages of complex explanations in a simple way so that we can understand them, is a great success of this novel. In addition, it is also a history lesson, especially of China, at various times. It helps us Westerners to hear an inner voice that tells us about its historical figures, its empires, yes, but also about its customs and idiosyncrasies. After all, no one will better represent Chinese society than a Chinese person. Therefore, it is interesting to see the points of view given on different topics and how the characters approach them. On many occasions you can perceive that a European would not react like that.

The importance of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the development of the novel deserves special mention. Everything begins, in fact, with the suffering endured by the scientist Ye Wenjie in the hardest years of the revolution. The hatred towards humanity that she ends up accumulating is the catalyst for what happens later.

The most interesting characters are, precisely, Ye Wenjie and Da Shi. The first for her intelligence and how she uses it to do evil. The inspiration for a whole movement at a planetary level and her connection with the aliens of Trisolaris makes Ye’s character central without taking up as many pages as others. Da Shi, the intelligent but outspoken policeman, with a tone and ways of hard polyprovides a very intelligent counterpoint to the scientists, creating funny situations and easing the tension in the novel.

In general, The three-body problem This is an original novel, very different in many ways from any other work. It has its own stamp, an attractive story and an admirable knowledge of human beings and science. Cixin Liu is undoubtedly a talented writer who has placed himself on the shelves of the West, overcoming cultural, linguistic and geographical barriers thanks to writing a universal history with a Chinese stamp.


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