Excerpt from the prologue of The restless look:

«Historians like Eugenia Tenenbaum have been fundamental in this change of trend, which, today, we do not let pass even one. Her work of dissemination is, above all, activist. With the means at her disposal (paper, social networks, media…) Tenenbaum is transforming our way of looking towards a more democratic, that is, a more feminist view. We do not allow a patriarchal and racist history, and we do not want to learn from a biased historical account.


The restless look It is an activist book and a book of art history; its pages invite us to travel through history through the centuries without fear of the idea that “you have to understand in order to enjoy art”, but it also provides us with critical tools to develop our own arguments. Tenenbaum crafts each chapter as a small treasure of feminist knowledge that is made available to anyone who wants to read and learn. From Prehistory and Classical European Antiquity to Impressionism, the Avant-garde and Contemporary Art, these pages only ask us to want to learn, to want to delve into history without prejudice and willing to see beyond what we are taught. Tenenbaum gives us a restless and feminist look to enjoy art without patriarchal biases.

Semiramis Gonzalez

Exhibition curator, art historian

*Original content provided by the publisher

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-mirada-inquieta-edicion-especial

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