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Friends, lovers and that terrible thingthe autobiography of Friends actor Matthew Perry, arrives in Spain

  • The book that Friends fans have been waiting for will arrive in Spain on November 17th by the publishing house Contraluz.
  • The book includes a prologue by Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay, in the series Friends). In it, the actress describes what her days of filming with Matthew were like, highlighting his strength and tenacity.
  • The actor takes readers behind the scenes of the most successful series of all time as he talks about his internal struggles with addiction.
  • The book not only contains anecdotes from her years on Friends, but also tells of her life off the set, as well as the 15 detoxification processes she went through.Detoxing is hell“says the actor.
  • “I wanted to share it when I was safe from re-entering the dark side of everything,” the actor says.

Friends, lovers and that terrible thing is the biography of the actor Matthew Perrythe beloved star of the acclaimed series Friends. The book, which went on sale in the United States on November 1, will be published in our country on November 17 by Contraluz. In this complete biography that tells the sweetest moments of the actor’s life, mixed with the saddest and most dramatic, Matthew Perry offers the reader the most intimate details of the love he lost, his darkest days and the fun days with his best friends. Absolutely honest, moving and hilarious: This is the book Friends fans have been waiting for.

Much has been said and published about the content of this book, however, there are so many details and nuances that it still holds interesting surprises for the reader. Knowing first-hand and in the “purest Chandler Bing style”, that is, through an ironic, absurd and acidic sense of humor, how the author felt, what he thought or what his aspirations were are part of the experiences that can be enjoyed by reading this autobiography. His loves, heartbreaks or the privileges he enjoyed when he achieved fame, are only the seasoning that the author narrates to expose his feelings, emotions, ghosts and fears.

In an extraordinary life, in every sense, that only he could tell, Matthew Perry takes readers behind the scenes of the most successful series of all time as he opens up about his internal struggles with addiction. Candid, self-aware and courageous, Perry vividly details his lifelong battle with the disease and what fueled it despite seemingly having it all.It was incredible how good I felt; I was absolutely euphoric. The pill had turned my blood into a warm honey. I felt like I was on top of the world.” explains the actor in his book.

Detoxing is hell. Detoxing involves lying on a bed and watching the seconds go by knowing that you are nowhere near feeling better. When I am detoxing I feel like I am dying. That it has no end. I feel like my insides are trying to escape from my body. I can’t stop shaking and sweating. From time to time I have to isolate myself for months to put an end to this vicious cycle.“This is how the actor defines each of the 15 detoxification processes he went through.. Matthew Perry explains that one of the reasons he decided to write the book is to help other people in his situation.I say in the book that if I had died-something that was about to happen-, it would shock people, but it wouldn’t surprise anyone. And living with that is very scary. So I hope people will identify with that and know that this disease attacks everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are successful or not, the disease doesn’t care«.

In Friends, lovers and that terrible thing The actor reveals that he has been to rehab 15 times over the years. Among many other situations, he describes that he spent two weeks in a coma and that this was the last big scare in a problematic relationship with alcohol and drugs that he has been dragging on since his youth. “I wanted to share it when I was safe from re-entering the dark side of everything“the actor says now that the moment has arrived.

Yet his struggle with addiction in this candid, funny and revealing memoir conveys a powerful message of hope and persistence. A fact that Lisa Kudrow also underlines in the foreword she wrote for the book, in which she highlights the actor’s strength and courage: “That guy, despite everything he was fighting against, was still there. Because Matthew Perry was still there, a brilliant, charming, caring, sensitive, coherent and rational person..”

When Perry began filming Friends he was 24 years old and incipiently alcoholic.I could handle it, more or less. But by the time I was 34, I was already in a lot of trouble.”, he says. During that decade his co-stars were understanding and patient with him, the actor explains.They were like penguins. When a penguin is sick, the other penguins gather around him and help him upright, walking around him until he can walk on his own. That’s what the cast of Friends did for me.”, he says.

Addicts aren’t bad people. We’re just trying to feel better, but we have a disease. When I’m not feeling well, I think, “Give me something to make it go away.” It’s as simple as that. And I’d love to be able to keep drinking and taking drugs, but if I don’t, it’s because of the consequences, because I’m so close to hitting rock bottom that it would end up killing me.”. The actor, fully aware of his situation and what drugs have done to his life, his relationships, his friends, himself, is confident that he will be able to take control of his life, find love and start a family. “I would never have imagined that at fifty-two I would still be single, that I wouldn’t be doing silly things and running around chasing cute little kids who would repeat meaningless words, words that I myself would have taught them just to make my beautiful wife laugh.”.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/amigos-amantes-y-aquello-tan-terrible

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