The arrow of time
by Martin Amis.

Review of “Time’s Arrow” by Martin Amis

«Time’s Arrow» is a novel written by Martin Amis, published by Anagrama. The work is a literary experiment that narrates the life of a man in reverse, beginning with his death and ending with his birth. The story follows Dr. Tod T. Friendly, who has several identities and secrets throughout his life.

The novel unfolds in reverse chronological order, meaning that all the actions occur backwards. For example, food is taken from the trash to be put on plates and eaten, and open wounds are healed by passing a knife over them. This unique and experimental structure challenges the conventional idea of ​​time and allows Amis to explore the nature of the past in an innovative way.

The story begins with the death of Dr. Tod T. Friendly and follows his life backwards in time. Throughout the novel, Friendly’s various identities and secrets are revealed, including his love affairs and his involvement in the Holocaust. In the end, the plot reaches the heart of Friendly’s origin: Auschwitz.

«Time’s Arrow» addresses themes such as love, guilt and responsibility. In addition, the novel explores the relationship between time and contemporary culture, as well as the impact of the Holocaust on the lives of the characters. The work also invites us to reflect on the nature of time and how we experience it in our daily lives.

The novel has been praised for its narrative boldness and innovative approach to time. However, some readers have found the work’s structure and style confusing and difficult to follow. Despite this, Time’s Arrow has been considered a striking and surprising work that defies the reader’s expectations.

What if time were reversed and we lived our lives backwards? This is the premise of Martin Amis’s 1991 novel Time’s Arrow. The book tells the story of Tod Friendly, a Nazi doctor who flees Europe after World War II and adopts various identities in different countries. However, the peculiarity of this work is that the narrative begins with Tod’s death and goes back to his birth, showing how his actions are undone and his memories are erased.

Amis explores with wit and originality the implications of this upside-down world, where people are born old and die young, where heat turns to cold and light to darkness, where wounds heal and illnesses are caused, where love turns to hate and violence to peace. The author uses this resource to reflect on the meaning of life, the nature of evil, moral responsibility and historical memory.

«The Arrow of Time» is a novel that challenges narrative conventions and invites the reader to question their own perceptions of time and reality. It is a provocative, ironic work full of black humor that leaves no one indifferent. If you like stories that break the mold and make you think, I recommend that you read this book.

Martin Amis’s “Time’s Arrow” is an experimental novel that challenges the conventional idea of ​​time and explores the nature of the past through a unique narrative structure. Although it can be confusing and difficult to follow at times, the work offers an innovative perspective on themes such as love, guilt, and responsibility. If you are interested in a read that breaks with traditional patterns and makes you reflect on time and life, “Time’s Arrow” may be an interesting option for you.


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