The author:

The BAC writer was born in Bilbao on September 13, 1969, on a stormy night. As he didn’t want people to know his name, he invented a pseudonym. He was going to be called Carmen, because Carmen is cool, but Segismundo Yojarranza is even cooler. And the surname contains a clue…
He currently lives in a town called Castellbisbal, with Stark, a German shepherd who is afraid of rain.

Since he was a child, he has always been drawn to the world of art. At the priests’ college where he studied, he was part of the choir and excelled in marquetry. Later, after leaving his studies in medicine and law, he tried his luck in various punk and rock bands. Afterwards, he devoted himself for a time to sculpture, painting, mime, juggling and porn. After failing in all these artistic disciplines, he now tries to prove his worth with literature.

Without any training, university degrees or degrees, nor a steady job, Segismundo decided to write a different book, far from the clichés of the crime/noir genre, a thriller that portrayed present-day Spain, with its economic and social crises, political problems and corruption, with credible characters. The protagonists of BAC are police officers who have no past traumas, psychological problems or drug and/or alcohol dependency, no tormented lives, no far-fetched and bombastic surnames like Bevilambrusco. They do not return to work after a sex change operation, nor do they possess divinatory powers to solve cases.
This is how BAC came about, which was completed in December 2016, after endless hours of pounding the keys of a borrowed laptop that had missing the letters S and X.
She is currently writing the sequel (and final) to BAC, and another book called 13.


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