Idioma original: French

Original title: The Immaculate Conception

Year of publication: 2008

Translation: Susana Arroyo

Valuation: It can be read

The Immaculate Conception It is a novel that had all the necessary ingredients to seduce me: an unreliable protagonist, terrifying touches, black humor, a fondness for the absurd and scatological… However, I have not fully connected with Catherine Dufour’s work, since the execution of it does not do justice to its premise.

The story starts off well, but it soon becomes bogged down and repetitive. No character or scene is memorable. Although the ending is more interesting, it does nothing to redeem the whole. Added to this is the fact that both the demystification of motherhood and the transformation of female pregnancy into “body horror” are interesting approaches, but very hackneyed at this point.

In any case, the brevity of this text makes me remember it fondly. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t frustrated by so much wasted potential.


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