Life begins every day: 366 reflections to be present
de Anne Igartiburu

«Life is what happens here and now». A book full of reflections and lessons from Anne Igartiburu for every day of the year.

Living is not something static. Life is destroyed and built with every breath, with every tick, with every sunrise and every small gesture. That is why this book is an ideal companion in the adventure of existence. Inside it is a treasure trove of 366 reflections that invite you to be aware of who you want to be at every moment, to be closer to yourself and to live the present moment more intensely.

Anne Igartiburu, a communicator for more than two decades, is one of the most beloved and recognized television presenters in our country. Over the last few years she has carried out a great job of disseminating information in the field of emotional well-being, one of her great passions and in which she has trained with some of the best professionals in different fields. Her meetings with experts in psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy on her different broadcast channels and in her Podcast Mi Latido de Más have given her great recognition. In this book she wants to share some of her most precious learnings resulting from this work.

Anne IgartiburuAnne, a communicator for over 25 years, is one of the most beloved and recognized television presenters in our country, with more than 7,000 live broadcasts under her belt. In recent years, she has carried out a great job of disseminating information in the field of emotional well-being, one of her great passions and in which she has trained with some of the best professionals in this field. Her live meetings through different dissemination channels, such as Instagram, YouTube and her podcast Mi Latido de Más, have earned her the recognition of her community of followers and the professionals with whom she shares talks about psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience or philosophy, with the clear objective of spreading the different ways of self-knowledge and vital coherence. An eternal learner, Anne seeks, investigates and shares learnings from curiosity and gratitude, applying her gifts of closeness and present listening.


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