About the book

The curse pursues the Agirregoitia family and reaches as far and as deep as the rain in the Alava vineyard fields.

The story of “Daughter of the Rain” develops over 27 chapters in which we will find a clear evolution of the protagonist: Ainize Agirregoitia. She arrives at her house after 12 years living in Paris and with a life totally different from the one she left years ago, with a job as an artist and preparing her first exhibition and with a new partner, Pierre. She doesn’t need more to be happy… or so she wants to believe.

After the call from Elsa – the woman who throughout her life has taken care of both her and her twin brother, Gorka – announcing the death of her father, her daily life takes a complete turn and she must return to Artziniega (Álava , Basque Country).

Once there nothing will be easy. She must face the curse that has haunted her family and the castle they live in, Haize Hegoa, for generations. None of the family members who have remained in the family home have ended their lives naturally, coincidence? With the death of Ramón, Ainize and Gorka must decide what to do with the castle: sell it or keep it? The brothers’ opinions do not coincide and while she wants to solve everything quickly and return to Paris, Gorka does not want to get rid of him for the world. This vision of the brothers will change as the story progresses and it will be Ainize who for nothing in the world wants to leave the family story behind while her twin will prefer to take the easy route and end everything quickly, even if that means losing everything. without any kind of benefit.

This role reversal is due to how Ainize is involved with the family castle. In order to sell it without losses, he enters the contest of the Association of Artisan Producers of Chacolí for the best Chacolí author of the year, whose prize may allow them to pay off the debts that his father left to his partner, Alberto. The idea of ​​competing for the prize comes from Haritz, Ainize’s first boyfriend who appears breaking all of his ideas and schemes.

During the time they spend harvesting the vines and preparing the Chacolí, strange things begin to happen in Haize Hegoa: chess games that start by themselves, shadows that watch over Ainize and that make her think for a while that DAUGHTER OF THE RAIN 4 is falling into the family curse, chases through the castle forest, unexpected attacks, animals slaughtered, fires…

Meanwhile, Alberto continues to pressure the Agirregoitia family to comply with the deals concluded with the deceased Ramón, but in a conversation with him, Ainize’s world falls on her when she realizes that the person behind everything that is happening in The house is Alberto’s own. When he offers to buy the land no matter what it is, Ainize begins to see small points that she has been experiencing and she begins to remember flashes that she had forgotten due to the shock of all the events that she has been experiencing since she returned to Artziniega.

One of those moments of lucidity leads her to relive a flashback – which appears on several occasions to better place the reader in the context – in which she remembers the good relationship that Elsa and Alberto already had when she was a child but that was never public and that Ainize herself discovered by chance. Just at that moment in which he remembers Ainize is resting and that is when he begins to feel the pressure of something that is pressing on his face and preventing him from breathing: it is Elsa who is trying to drown her. In those moments he confesses to her that he never wanted to kill her but that she was being too tough and that it was the only option to be able to keep the castle and her lands. He confesses to her that she knows that with her death Gorka will collapse and she will want to get rid of Haize Hegoa. He also said that he loved her like she loved her father, who never reciprocated her. And just when Ainize is about to lose consciousness she stops feeling the pressure. Haritz appears in the room and hits Elsa with a candelabra, killing her instantly.

—I’m so sorry, my girl… You know I
“I want,” Elsa said with a hurt voice, crying, “
and that I never intended to harm you. I always took care of you
as if you were my own children, sacrificing me
for you… I even loved you as much as him.
I wanted them all.

With Elsa’s death, peace comes to the Agirregoitia family. Ainize and Gorka stay with the family castle, rebuild from the ashes what the fire devoured by Haize Hegoa, Ainize decides not to return to Paris and ends her relationship to return to Haritz – with whom throughout the novel she maintains passionate encounters that reveal to the reader that their relationship never ended and Gorka becomes a father with his wife, Lucía. Finally, as a big family, they focus on recovering the Haize Hegoa vineyards.

«If something had shown him
life was that love was not
moved mountains, nor walls, nor
absolutely nothing. Love
it only served to lethargy
the senses and cloud the
judgment of those deluded who
“They suffered from it.”

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/hija-de-la-lluvia

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