About the book

The stories we share can change our destiny.
Elvira Lindo returns with a suspense novel in the best tradition of the classic story.

The publication of his new novel, En la boca del lobo, will coincide in time with the
premiere of the film Someone to take care of me, co-written and co-directed by Elvira Lindo with
Daniela Fejerman, produced by Tornasol Media, and which will be released in theaters on December 28

About In the Wolf’s Mouth, in the words of Elvira Lindo On those Christmases back then, under the heavy heat of seven blankets, I daydreamed that a snowfall isolated the town and we could no longer go to wherever my father had been transferred . The town was Ademuz, my sentimental center, my paradise, the immovable reference of a nomadic childhood. I wished that something would prevent us from returning to normal life, I even wanted to get sick and stay in the care of my aunts, go with my cousins ​​to Doña Milagros’ little school, spend part of the morning in my uncles’ oven, eat hot bread from on the way to my aunt Concha’s house, sleep with her, enter sleep lulled by her stories and her songs. But Ademuz was not just a town, it is not, it is the capital of a region that has a powerful and peculiar character. An enclave that belongs to Valencia but borders Teruel and Cuenca, Rincón de Ademuz is a group of towns and villages that, despite having been a victim of oblivion and depopulation, keep alive the social ties between the inhabitants of the region and offer the senses a landscape that has always seemed magical to me because of its lush and secluded nature, an environment that seems to have been created for children’s games.

This story is fueled by the only nostalgia that my non-nostalgic nature has surrendered to since childhood, when the word nostalgia was not in my vocabulary. The names of the towns and villages of the enclave resonate in my memory because my baker uncle traveled daily along the roads of Rincón to distribute bread. Val de la Sabina, Mas del Olmo, Sesga, the three Ademucera villages linked to this children’s paradise. In 2021 I climbed the highest of them all, Bias, currently populated by eleven people. I was impressed that instantly some of the countrywomen came out to greet us and accompany us on the walk, showing us with the greatest naturalness the most precious thing they had, the beautiful place. Since that afternoon I felt that my heart was given over to that small group of houses crowded at the foot of the Sierra de la Tortajada, with views of the natural wealth that is the Ademucero valley. That landscape nourished a story that I perceived more and more clearly, as if it already existed and had been waiting to be told.

The landscape of my novel has been the food that has nourished the story and the characters, all of them invented, grew in such a way in my imagination and occupied so much space in my mind for a year that it is now difficult for me to affirm that they have never existed. I refuse to deny its existence. I finished the book with the sadness I felt at not living with them again, so deep was my emotional involvement in the course of their lives. Julieta, Emma, ​​Virtues, Leonardo, it is difficult for me to talk about them because I have intended them to move wrapped in a mystery that becomes clearer as the reader progresses through the story. They advance and walk blindly in the dark of the real or figurative forest, innocently entering the den of the wolf, as happened to the characters in the ancient stories that have such a clear influence on this story.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/en-la-boca-del-lobo

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